Monday, April 16, 2007

pt. 2

Waste of Paint, by Bright Eyes, from Lifted
Okay, I really like this record, but this song bores the living hell out of me, and doesn't remind me of anything or make me feel anything. Sorry.

Stolen Car, by Springsteen, from the River
This album always seemed to be pretty hit and miss given its length (double LP), kind of like the Lucky Town/Human Touch double release. One disc of a solid 12 tracks would've done it. This song's about a "little girl" from a small town and the Boss loves her and things go bad. The music is actually perfect for background music, building up slowly, the piano part getting a little louder, the strumming guitar getting a little harder.
I never got into the River as much as any of the other Springsteen albums. I just don't quite relate to it as much as the rest of them.

While My Guitar Gently Weeps, by the Beatles, from the White Album
-Clapton does, in fact, play this part better than Harrison would've. These lyrics are banal, and frankly it's one of my least favorite songs on the White Album, mostly because I've somehow heard it more than a lot of the rest of them.

It's a Crime, by the Magnetic Fields, from 69 Love Songs
-synthy goodness from the album that helped make freshman year freshman year. Paul Fitzgerald got me into this heavily, and it has held up for seven years. Not one of the best songs on it, but part of the whole.

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